Stillborn Babies
The sudden end of pregnancy is a shocking experience for the parents, but also relatives and friends. The trauma stillbirth needs a mourning process that is long and painful.
I was still pregnant yesterday, today I would be „next month“, tomorrow would be your birthday… Nothing feels more cruel.
In addition to a therapy and psychological help you can ask me as a midwife to support you, as there are (among others) also your medical conditions to supervise. Especially if you want to leave the hospital very quickly because of insecure accommodation facilities. Through daily visits with conversations I can hopefully contribute a small part to your coping. After a few weeks, a postnatal exercise course is advised; you can also book this with me. Regular appointments that include contact with other affected women strengthens the way back into everyday life. Overcome the inhibitions and get in touch with me!
Current information
The catchment area for my home care is all around my office. Therefore, please look for a colleague in your area, if you live a little too far away. Short distances facilitate both sides a satisfactory cooperation! If you are interested in the courses, you are of course excluded to this, because you visit me in my office.
Please note: I have free capacities only for women with a delivery date from…
Infos & meetings
- Initiative
- Bundesverband für verwaiste Eltern und trauernde Geschwister in Deutschland e.V.
-”Eine Totgeburt verstehen”
- Buchtip: “Gute Hoffnung, jähes Ende” von Hannah Lothrop
- Bilder-Buchtip: “Gestern war ich noch schwanger” von Nicole Schaufler
- Buchtip: “Still geboren” von Maureen Grimm und Anja Sommer